Japanese Language Certifications

Choose our Japanese language certification preparation courses for all levels, find out what the Japanese certifications are



Japanese Course Certifications

In which countries is Japanese spoken in the world?

Japanese is the official language of Japan, one of the most populous and technologically advanced countries in the world. However, the reach of the Japanese language extends far beyond Japan’s borders. Thanks to the spread of Japanese culture, there are communities of Japanese speakers in different parts of the world, including the United States, Brazil, the Philippines and Taiwan, to name a few.
Additionally, the Japanese language is the subject of academic study and language learning in many countries around the world, especially in those with strong economic or cultural ties to Japan, such as South Korea, China, and the United States.

How many people speak the Japanese language in the world?

The Japanese language is spoken by approximately 128 million people, most of whom reside in Japan. However, there are also significant communities of Japanese speakers overseas. In the United States, for example, it is estimated that there are over 1 million speakers of Japanese.

In Which Business Sectors Is It Important To Speak Japanese?

Knowledge of the Japanese language can be a great advantage in many industries, thanks to Japan’s strong economy and global influence.
In international business and trade, Japanese is an invaluable skill. Japan is the third largest economy in the world, with major multinational companies in sectors such as automotive, electronics, technology and heavy industry. By speaking Japanese, you will have access to new opportunities in these industries.
In the technology sector, the Japanese language is very important. Japan is a world leader in technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and electronic engineering. Knowledge of Japanese can open doors for you to a wide range of careers in these areas.

What are the internationally recognized certifications for the Japanese language?

If you would like to demonstrate your proficiency in the Japanese language, there are various internationally recognized certifications available.
The best known is the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), administered by the Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services. The JLPT is offered at five levels, from N5 (basic level) to N1 (advanced level), and assesses Japanese language comprehension in the areas of reading, listening, and knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
Another important certification is the Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT), administered by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation. The BJT assesses the ability to use Japanese in business situations and is not divided into levels like the JLPT.

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Individual Courses

Discover our individual Japanese courses, perfect for preparing for the main certifications such as JLPT, J-Test and NAT-Test. Personalized lessons with expert teachers will guide you step by step, ensuring effective learning. Take advantage of our flexible and professional method to reach your language goals. Sign up today and start your journey to success!

Group courses

Join our Japanese group courses, ideal for preparing for major certifications such as the JLPT, J-Test and NAT-Test. Interactive lessons with qualified teachers will help you reach your language goals. Benefit from a collaborative and stimulating environment for effective and engaging learning. Sign up today and start your journey towards certification!

Online courses

Prepare for Japanese certifications such as JLPT, J-Test and NAT-Test with our online courses! Fun and interactive lessons, designed for all levels, will guide you to success. We teach with passion and flexibility, adapting to your needs. Enroll now and take the first step to obtaining your Japanese certification!

Corporate courses

Enhance your team's skills with our corporate Japanese courses, designed to earn certifications such as JLPT, J-Test, and NAT-Test. Interactive lessons and expert instructors ensure engaging and effective learning. Empower your employees with Japanese language proficiency and open up new business opportunities. Enroll today and start your journey to Japanese certification success!

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Japanese certifications


Japanese language certifications

Se desideri ottenere una certificazione ufficiale di competenza nella lingua giapponese, i nostri corsi di preparazione alle certificazioni sono la soluzione perfetta per te. Offriamo corsi specificamente progettati per aiutarti a raggiungere i livelli di certificazione A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 e C2, riconosciuti a livello internazionale.

Le certificazioni di giapponese sono un requisito fondamentale per coloro che desiderano dimostrare la propria competenza nella lingua giapponese per motivi accademici, professionali o personali. Indipendentemente dal livello di partenza, i nostri corsi ti prepareranno in modo approfondito per superare gli esami di certificazione e ottenere la tua qualifica desiderata.

I nostri corsi di preparazione alle certificazioni giapponese ti offriranno un programma completo e strutturato che copre tutti gli aspetti dell’esame, compresi la comprensione scritta, la comprensione orale, l’espressione scritta e l’espressione orale. Le nostre lezioni, condotte da insegnanti madrelingua altamente qualificati, ti forniranno le competenze linguistiche e le strategie necessarie per affrontare con sicurezza ciascuna parte dell’esame.

I livelli A1 e A2 rappresentano i livelli base, ideali per coloro che stanno iniziando il loro percorso di apprendimento della lingua giapponese. I corsi di preparazione alle certificazioni giapponese per i livelli A1 e A2 ti forniranno una solida base di conoscenze linguistiche e ti aiuteranno a sviluppare le competenze necessarie per comprendere e comunicare in situazioni di base nella lingua giapponese.

Per coloro che hanno acquisito una conoscenza intermedia della lingua giapponese, i livelli B1 e B2 rappresentano una sfida più avanzata. I nostri corsi di preparazione alle certificazioni giapponese per i livelli B1 e B2 ti forniranno gli strumenti necessari per comunicare con fiducia e competenza in una varietà di contesti. Potrai partecipare a conversazioni più complesse, comprendere testi di livello intermedio e utilizzare espressioni idiomatiche giapponesi con sicurezza.

Se desideri dimostrare una padronanza avanzata della lingua giapponese, i livelli C1 e C2 sono ciò a cui aspiri. I nostri corsi di preparazione alle certificazioni giapponese per i livelli C1 e C2 ti guideranno attraverso un percorso di apprendimento avanzato, affinando le tue competenze linguistiche e preparandoti per una comunicazione fluente e sofisticata. Potrai affrontare testi complessi, partecipare a discussioni approfondite e dimostrare una conoscenza approfondita della cultura giapponese.

Ottenere una certificazione di giapponese può fare la differenza nel tuo percorso accademico e professionale. Apri le porte a nuove opportunità di studio, lavoro e viaggi. Non perdere l’opportunità di acquisire una qualifica ufficiale che attesti la tua competenza nella lingua giapponese.


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